Black Panther is the 2018 superhero Marvel Comics character movie produced by Walt Disney Studio. It is the 18th film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe featuring the following star cast:
- Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa / Black Panther,
- Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger
- Lupita Nyong’o as Nakia
- Danai Gurira as Okoye
- Daniel Kaluuya as W’Kabi
- Letitia Wright as Shuri
- Winston Duke as M’Baku
- Angela Bassett as Ramonda
- Forest Whitaker as Zuri
- Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaue / Klaw
- Martin Freeman as Everett K. Ross
- The movie was directed by Ryan Coogler and the screenplay was courtesy him and Joe Robert Cole.
The movie plays around 2 hours and 14 minutes in total.

So what makes Black Panther so amazing?
Traditionally all Marvel & Hollywood movies have been superheroes who are blonde white dudes with blue eyes with a perfect body and the heroines have also been blonde white women with blue eyes and sexy bodies. While the villains have been another other colors, race or nationality. This has been the American Culture & phenomenon where the good guys are the typical White Americans & the bad guys are Chinese, Koreans or Black Afro-Americans. In this movie, the entire cast is an all-black cast. Virtually everything in this movie is dominated by Black Actors. - WOMEN ALSO DESERVE A PROMINENT ROLE
And given the trend that Wonder Woman played of Empowering Women to be in the forefront of being a Superhero – from having ONLY men be the superhero that saves the world – in this movie you not only have Black saving the world, but women also taking a prominent role in being the sidekick, the bodyguard or the next in line for the lead cast. - WOMEN WIN BATTLES
What I also loved was the part where during the battle in the end with the oversized gargantuan rhinoceros battle that a man submits to a woman for her principles, her values, and her ideologies, you also have the memorable scene where the same character tries to fit into the Casino scene wearing a wig and trying to be ‘girly’ for society – which he disgustingly throws aside to be true to herself. In fact, the stance that Prince T’Challa’s girlfriend maintains throughout the movie proves right in the end. - EVEN A VILLIAN IS A HUMAN BEING
Chadwick Boseman & Michael B. Jordon both are not only incredibly well-built for this part, they are both equally charismatic & prove to be the perfect Ying & Yang on screen. Chadwick Boseman comes across as a Cool, Calm and Composed leader who has emotional strengths and leadership maturity while Michael B. Jordon comes across the alpha character who has a passion, purpose & point of living, who doesn’t allow emotions & feelings to get in the way and whose purpose is to help achieve greatness for everyone. - VILLIAN WITH COMMON SENSE & VALUES
The strangest and most amazing thing about this movie is the fact that for the 1st time in the history of Cinema, you have the Villain:
Who is Better than the Hero
Who liked better than the Hero
Whose purpose is greater than the Hero
Who is right in his point of view
Who chooses to die with honor for his purpose - THERE IS A REASON WHY PEOPLE BECOME BAD
And if nothing else, the most powerful part is where it is revealed that Prince T’Challa had a good life and good upbringing while Erik Killmonger had a difficult life and very tough upbringing that too not because of anything wrong he did but because of the hypocrisy of the politics of Wakanda - NON-AMERICAN COUNTRIES ARE NOT POOR
Black Panther also brilliantly focuses on how Western Countries underestimate countries like Africa (case in point President Trump’s comment about the “Shithole Countries” whose refugees prefer the American way of life instead of their huts.) - AMAZING C’S….
The colors, The costumes & The Character development was truly and absolutely marvellous. Each and every costume, each and every character and every possible color combination was shown to the greatest detail possible!

Where Black Panther fails to make an impression:
- Shuri who is the tech-savvy sister of Prince T’Challa reminds you of James Bond’s Q who keeps showing you impressive Gadgets
- The fight scenes remind you of the Tron Series where everything is super neon & futuristic
- The last fight scene sucked
- The CGI was not done well. There were many moments on the screen you felt totally disconnected to what was going on. In fact, the scene where Prince T’Challa & Erik Killmonger are falling, kind of remind you of Spiderman versus Venom in part 3
- The casino fight scene reminds you of the James Bond Macau Casino scene in Skyfall
- Andy Serkis has a very questionable and forgettable role and it simply doesn’t make sense why is he killed for no reason. In fact, you begin to wonder, why was he there in the movie the first place.
- The car action scene is actually very cartoonish and irrelevant. I didn’t feel it added any value to the movie. It didn’t look real at all.
Interesting Trivia
Wesley Snipes mentioned his intention to work on the Black Panther movie in 1992. The project went through multiple changes over the next many years and then finally, the project was dropped off.
Loy Machedo’s Moment of Truth for Black Panther
The clash of values between Prince T’Challa versus Erik Killmonger kind of digs up the historical debate between Martin Luther King versus Malcolm X – where Malcolm X believed might was right and you cannot achieve true success without being true to yourself while Martin Luther King believed in peace, non-violence & being part of the global brother through peace and adjustments.
In this movie the director, Ryan Coogler also empowered women in a very powerful manner, mocked the ridiculous expectations women are supposed to take in society and also brought about a moment of truth where the villain was not actually portrayed as the senseless bad guy but someone with a purpose.
I personally felt that came out well.
However, given the poor CGI, the plot holes in the script, the really bad ending and poor cinematic experience – I would give this movie the following ratings:
Loy Machedo’s Official Ratings for The Black Panther:
- Action Scenes – 4/10
- Visual Effects – 4/10
- Character development – 9/10
- Storyline – 6/10
- Overall – 6/10
Loy Machedo