Job Interview Tips & Resume Rebrand & Interview Preparation.
These are the two areas I get the majority client from around the world. Simply because they have an opportunity knocking on their door. And as expected, the interview candidates want to do very well, they want to ensure their best. But most importantly, they want to hear that they have been selected for the job position.
However, there are 5 points I keep repeating to most clients who come to me with these request. And these points can be the difference between being selected for the job as the right candidate or being handed over the rejection letter.
Hope you find these points worthwhile.
Loy Machedo

Job Interview Tip #1
Remember the day of your marriage? or Do you recollect any really important day in your life where many people who were important to you came down to witness your special moment?
Think about what all went into that one single moment.
- How did you prepare?
- What details did you focus on?
- How particular you were about your looks, your appearance, your mannerism, the flow of the event, the role-players in the event, what happened before the event, what happened after the event….
I’m pretty sure each and every aspect of this moment was not just planned, it was carefully crafted, created and compiled together as a perfect symphony.
Why do you think so much effort, attention to detail and excellence was poured into this one moment?
Because the moment was important.
Very important.
It mattered a lot to you.
It was a once in a lifetime chance
You didn’t want any room for errors.
You wanted it to be perfect.
Ask yourself
Have you approached your interview with the same attention to detail, passion, obsession, drive, desire & effort?

Job Interview Tip #2
When a person has to get married, he plans it out nearly one year in advance.
He books the venue, the DJ, the caterer, plans whom to invite, decides on the interiors, the transportation – even the printers – one year in advance.
Imagine that!
There is so much of energy, enthusiasm, and eagerness to get everything right!
And the main reason for all this is not just to secure the best rates but to make sure that they get the right person for the right job. There is no stone left unturned to make sure this is a moment of a lifetime!
During my days as a DJ & EMCEE for events, I have seen all this behaviors, reactions, incidents and moments play out.
Now I don’t expect anyone to start planning their interview 1 year in advance.
But here is my question to you.
What kind of time period do you give yourself before you finally face that interview?
Is it something you feel you can master in one month? Two weeks? One week? 2 days?
In my personal experience – the more time you have before an interview date – the more your chances of success are.

Job Interview Tip #3
There is one thing to prepare yourself for an interview. And then there is another thing to prepare yourself ‘the wrong way’ for an interview.
Case in point – look at the keyboard most of us use for typing. It is the QWERTY keyboard. Not so surprisingly, it has been proven by scientists that this is not the most optimal arrangement for the fingers as the arrangement of the most frequently used letters are not in the right spot. The best keyboard format is the DVORAK or Colemak keyboard.
Now without getting into the technical aspects of the keyboard, let’s assume for a minute that you wanted to switch over from the old QWERTY format to this new format. How easily do you think you would be able to change old habits and replace them with this new habit?
I have a very strong belief that it would take you a few good weeks or consistent, focused and uninterrupted practice to ensure that you could make the transition.
The same principle goes into developing new skills, habits, and strategies when you approach a job interview. Almost every client I have worked with has shown or displayed certain habits or mannerisms which were deeply ingrained in their personality. It could be as simple as an unconscious gesture, a crutch word or a habitual defense mechanism. Whatever the habit – once discovered or pointed out – it always took the person time to change and evolve.
So the point here is, right now, at this very moment, you must be practicing your response the way you have assumed was ‘the right way’. What if you are doing it all wrong and further cementing it by memorizing this ‘wrong response’?
It’s like driving the one particular direction faster and faster to reach your final destination, only to be told, you should have gone the opposite direction. The more time you take to discover what you are not doing right – the more time you will take to set things right.

Job Interview Tip #4
I am pretty sure if you or me were our normal, natural selves like how we show ourselves when we are at home, I doubt there is anything impressive or amazing about it. We are just normal everyday average people. But when we have something important – especially something that is critical and important to us – we have to put on the best of the best of the best impression.
It is one thing to do your best to impress the person. And then there is another bit where you are putting on an act.
So the question begets – where do draw the line?
Sadly, the majority always overdo things.
I have always told my clients DO NOT IMPRESS. Rather learn to EXPRESS.
When you are able to articulate your thoughts, feelings, emotions clearly because you are not only aware of them but also insync with them – you will do an incredible job of letting the interviewer know you are the right person for the job.
Remember – DO NOT IMPRESS. Learn to EXPRESS.

Job Interview Tip #5
It is one thing to try to impress someone.
Its another thing to go overboard.
And then there is something totally the extreme end of stupidity – trying hard to be what you are not.
For instance, I want you to imagine this –
Have you met anyone trying hard to put on an accent or trying to look cool, intelligent, sophisticated or smooth while coming up with canned answers
Trust me when I say this – the Interviewer who has been doing his job day-in and day-out for years and years can sense this from a mile away. Even something as silly as wearing a suit for the first time or when you hate wearing a suit – well guess what – it shows.
So please, in the name of trying to improve and create a good impression – don’t try to do something unnatural and fake it.
100 out of 100 times IT WILL BACKFIRE!

Job Interview Tip #6
Oh, I have heard this from Interviewers themselves that they are looking for a candid who can speak clearly, confidently and charismatically all the facts related to the question. However, no matter what anyone ells you – the interview process is not a conversation. It is a process of buying & selling – you try to sell the person YOU while the person across the table will – if convinced, give you the best price they believe they can offer to tempt you to join. It is more like a busy marketplace where you have different buyers, sellers & curious onlookers. The one who is the smartest, who is the opportunist and who is a true hustler – always bags the best deal.
So if you going to an interview hoping that you can just express your thoughts and feelings and be the one considered for the job – well you are mistaken.
This is not SPEAK TO INFORM.
It is a HUSTLE!
It is the person who has the Energy, Enthusiasm, Excitement, Emotions & the Engimatic personality – it is this person who will get the job. And all these 5’E’s come down to selling YOU.

Job Interview Tip #7
Think about this – Who are you?
I want you to think of an answer and come up with it.
Now I want you to think about…..Who are you as per your
- Resume?
- Linkedin Profile?
- Facebook Profile?
- Your Friends?
- Your Current Employer?
- Your Haters?
- Your Colleges?
- Your Spouse?
- Your Clients?
- Your Family?
Once you get all these answers – now match all this with the description of what has the employer advertised in terms of the vacancy.
And now I want you to look at this broad spectrum of answers and ask yourself – do ALL the descriptions which are YOU – do they match? Are they in sync?
Is it one?
Does it all speak out in ONE VOICE?
Or are they different to one another?
If they are all together woven into one basic theme and fabric – congratulations!
You have managed to become the Interviewers wet-dream – the PERFECT CANDIDATE!
And you can rest assured be offered a job every single time you go for a job interview. Simply because you are in sync to what they want and yes – you speak in ONE VOICE.

Job Interview Tip #8
Here the question I want to ask you.
How well do you know yourself?
Now the easy answer to this “of course I know myself”
Then shouldn’t each and every question related to you, your achievements, your failures, successes, past, present and future be a breeze – along with the year, the duration, the figures, the facts – including WHY you stand out from the rest of all the competitors in the world?
If you know who you are 100% – then I must shake your hand because you are the only candidate I have met who knows everything about himself and has nothing more left to discover.
Here is a confession.
Until the age of 31, I thought I knew myself completely.
It was only after another 5 years of Coaching, Mentoring, going for workshops related to Self-Discovery, Self Improvement & Self Growth did I finally discover who I really was. And that was the beginning of me becoming a Personal Branding Strategist. And that was when my life changed completely. Because after being equipped with that knowledge – I was able to sell myself to anyone at anytime and any place!
So now – what about you?

Job Interview Tip #9
Let’s assume you have a question related to Leadership or Success or Failure or anything.
- What will you say first?
- What will you say second?
- What is your sequence?
- What do you need to avoid at all cost?
- Do you have the script?
- Have you memorized the script?
Here is what I want you to think about – if the job interview that you are being called for – if that was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where you would be paid 10 times more than what you would be paid now and ONE MISTAKE or ONE WRONG OUT OF PLACE ANSWER – would end up with you losing this opportunity – would you go in with the same approach or would you change it?
If your answer is an emphatic “of course I would use the same answers” – then you are 100% ready.
If however, you are not sure and need time to think – then my friend – you are fooling yourself every single day.

Job Interview Tip #10
It is one thing to be yourself – a concept which I tell everyone. Because the only thing you should be and can be IS YOURSELF. But then there is another problem. If you are boring, uninteresting, irritating, unattractive & someone completely undesirable – do you expect the organization or the interviewer to accept you?
Now couple this fact with the part that the organization has to choose between you and many other candidates who are far better than you. Do you think they would still want to go in for you?
Ask yourself – Would you when purchasing a product go for the best-value-for-money or something less than the best?
Now technically, though you cannot change yourself, you can, however, do one thing – you improve and become a better version of yourself. And given that during an interview process it is a ‘sales conversation’ – remember – it is not WHAT you have stated (as in the facts and figures) rather it is HOW you have said what you had to say….
The best example I can give you here is having 2 teachers teaching you the same subject.
One of them is incredibly charismatic, interesting and addictive to listen to.
The other one practically puts the whole world to sleep.
Which one do you think is always liked by the students?
When you are the candidate – remember – sharpen your skills of being a storyteller.
If you can do this – the world will be eating from the palm of your hand.

Job Interview Tip #11
This is more or less the final tip & strategy I teach my clients & students.
There are many times when a job sounds too good to be true.
And at the extreme end of the spectrum, the job doesn’t look as amazing as you thought it was.
Now for the latter, you don’t have to bother.
But for the former – well that is where you have to put your danger antenna high up and find out what is it that you are not noticing or looking at which you should. Because I have always told people – when something seems too good to be true – it normally is.
And then there is also this part where you love the job, the job offer and the package so much – that you know 100% you will never such an offer ever again. I have had such experiences in the past where the job offer was totally out of the world. However, after listening to everything… you realise there is this ONE THING that doesn’t sit well with you.
So now – would you still accept the job offer or would you say no to it?
You may ask what is this ‘one thing’…. well it can be anything – from the job description to a gut feeling about something to maybe a term or condition that you didn’t think about or were told about. And if so is the case – if you do find that particular thing that doesn’t agree with you and you cannot do anything about it – I strongly and highly recommend that you say “No Thank You” and decline the job offer.
I know this more than anyone else because I have had job offers in my life and some of them have been in total violation of what I believed in or what I stood for. And the ones I did accept because of the money or the power or the perks – I have seriously regretted it in the long run.
This is where you have to be true to your values, true to what you stand for and true to your core. It is something that comes with age, experience, and courage. And this is also one area I teach, tutor and train my clients where they have to be careful.
So even if it is your dream job but there is something which is not right – take it from me – DON’T accept the job.
You will be grateful in the long run.
I hope this collection of Basic Interview Tips were useful to you.
If you have questions – let me know. or +66-92-541-4784
I would love to hear from you.
Loy Machedo
+66-92-541-4884 |
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Loy Machedo