Personal Branding.
Heard of that term?
If you haven’t well – that’s good.
Because I am a Personal Branding Strategist.
I make a living as one.
Now, people come to me to discover:
what is their Personal Brand is or
If they want to earn more money by improving on their existing Personal Brand.
Given that I have been doing this for the past 7 years,
I consider myself a pretty successful Personal Brand.
And how do I describe ‘success’?
Am I world famous?
Am I making billions?
So what exactly do I mean when I say that I am successful?
This is my definition of success.
I work 4 to 5 days in a month
I charge people by the hour
The rest of the time I spend
– gaming,
– reading,
– blogging,
– vlogging &
– being with my wife.
So my definition of success is
– wake up anytime I like
– work whenever I like
– work with whomsoever I like
– work however long I like
– earn more working less
– enjoy each and every moment of my life
Having 100% of the total authority & creative freedom to my work, myself and my brand.
Sounds amazing right?
But is it true or am I bluffing?

Given that I stay in a forest on the island of Koh Samui which is far away from civilization, I suppose it should be evidence enough that what I say is true. Otherwise, how else would I be earning my livelihood?
But this didn’t happen overnight.
It took a lot of work
And the implementation of a well-thought-out system in place.
For many years I chased world-class mentors,
I invested hundreds of thousands of dollars taking their advice
And sacrificed more than the average person would have to reach my goal.
Today, after 7 years – I am finally reaping the fruits of my labor.
So given that I have been Teaching, Training & Tutoring everyone for the past 7 years – let me tell you something shocking.
– Not for everyone.
– Not mandatory.
– Not as important as people make it out to be.
– Something you can live without
And to put the nail in the coffin –
You can earn tons of money WITHOUT Personal Branding.
Has Mark Zuckerberg enrolled for a Personal Branding Course?
Did Warren Buffet have a Personal Branding Coach?
Is the most powerful person in your country endorsing Personal Branding?
So given that I have shamelessly confessed the truth – I the big question is….then
Why do people still come to professionals like myself?
Why do hard working, honest & sincere working class professionals pay so much money for our advice?
What is the use of Personal Branding?

Here is the answer.
No one needs Personal Branding.
Understand the difference between ‘need’ and ‘want’.
YOU DO NOT NEED a delicious Dominos pizza or Wendy’s burger with fries or Molten lava chocolate cake from TGIF
YOU NEED a place to stay.
YOU DO NOT NEED nice villa with a pool, rooms with air-conditioning, amazing decor, great furniture an amazing location & wonderful neighbors.
You NEED clothes to cover & protect your body.
YOU DO NOT NEED NIKE shoes, or Gucci designer wear or Levis Jeans or an outfit from GAP.
NEED is what you cannot survive without.
WANT is the added extra that you indulge yourself into because that is what you believe you deserve.
Just look around and see for yourself – no one NEEDS an iPhone X or Samsung Note 9. A simple cheap cell-phone device could suffice. But why do you think people are even prepared to spend their hard-earned money or even dig into their savings just to get these overly priced products?
It is the difference between what you are and what you believe you are worth.
Personal Branding is you knowing the answer to the question:
- Who are you
- What you are worth
- Why you are worth what you are worth
- How you can commercialize this worth
- How you live a life of your dreams by helping others achieve theirs.
Understand this much.
There are some people who are very happy with a Toyota.
And then there are those who with a BMW.
And then, there are people who are not only happy with a Black Rolls Royce, a Flaming Red Lamborghini and a Sliver Grey Maserati but they also want a Dark Blue & Red Bugatti.
So the question comes down to

Ask yourself this.
- What is it that you are worth?
- What is it that you want?
- How in the world can you get it?
Personal Branding is
The ability,
The capacity and
The audacity
To ask for what you believe you are worth and
Being able to command this price
In a hyperactive, super competitive & seriously cut-throat market.
It is for those who want to be the best, live the best and demand for the best. And trust me when I say this – Personal Branding may not be for everyone.
You may be a person who
- loves getting up in the morning,
- rushing off in the traffic to work,
- working under a boss,
- having an office cubicle,
- working hard to make a corporation rich and
- after working many many hours –
- going back home to your family.
- All this 5 days a week for a paycheck end of the month.
It is not wrong.
Billions do it.
However, If this is not the life you want to live, then maybe it is time for change.
Remember 90% of all the people in the world are followers and like sheep.
For these people – living this life is normal.
But there are the 10% who
– call the shots,
– earn enough to live a life of their dreams and
– have enough time on their hands to enjoy life.
If you are happy with your life right now
Don’t change a thing.
But if you are not, then maybe it times for a change.
Now do you understand why I say….