Personal Branding Checklist.
What’s that?
When I talk to people and tell them about the concept of “Personal Branding”, almost immediately I get questions like
– What is a Personal Brand
– Why do I need to become a Personal Brand
– What Do I Need To Become A Personal Brand
So now when I bring in “personal branding checklist”, I’m sure more questions will be asked.
First things first
What is a Personal Branding Checklist?
A Checklist that serves as a compass for an individual to be aware where his Personal Brand is, what he needs to do to make it grow and how much more or less he needs to do to ensure his Personal Brand grows.
Personal Branding Checklist: Number 1
Your World Class Mentor.
Ask any professional, any serious athlete, any ambitious student, well-to-do businessman or successful employee – they all have a Mentor or someone with experience guiding them. And the reason for this is to help them save themselves from making expensive mistakes, costly investment decisions & yes, going in the wrong direction.
A World-Class Mentor, Coach or Trainer is a person who evaluates you, guides you and strategically drives you towards your goals.
Trust me when I say this-this is without a doubt the MOST IMPORTANT item on your checklist.

Personal Branding Checklist: Number 2
Your Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant & Timebound Routine & Goals
If you are an Employee
Here the goal is to get more money per hour while working for a company or organization. After all, what is it that your immediate boss is doing that you cannot?
So the challenge is to move up the ladder as quickly as possible.
So for employees, a target & deadline with very (and I mean VERY) specific actionable steps should be followed.
For example:
– I will send 30 potential employers/decision makers my Resume this month or 1 per day.
– I will ensure I get a minimum of 3 Interviews this month
– I will also take feedback from every interview which I completed on areas I can improve upon.
Where Freelancing is concerned:
The goal is to ensure you are visible online especially where your potential customers are concerned. Where a Freelancer is concerned – getting regular income at the agreed rate is what makes a Freelancer survive & thrive.
For this, you need a to-do list which forms your routine that you will do every single day
For example, my typical checklist would contain:
– I will write 5 short articles on Medium, Quora or on my Website
– I will upload 3 videos this week on my youtube channel

Personal Branding Checklist: Number 3
Your Business Profile or Resume
Just as every product or service has a brochure to not only highlight the features of the product but to make it look enticing, every individual who wants to get noticed, who wants to get invited and be selected as the potential candidate or vendor – needs a Business Profile or Resume. It is the silent salesman that will speak on behalf of you when you are not around.
For this to happen, your Resume should be edited, formatted, designed & created to attract potential employers. And this job shouldn’t be done by you rather by a Professional.
Just as when you are about to get married, you ask for the services of a Professional and do not do it by yourself – when it comes to your Business Profile or Resume – approach a Professional. Don’t be an idiot or stingy. Once people judge you – the image & opinion remains forever.

Personal Branding Checklist: Number 4
Every Update & Upload of yours on Social Media
Here’s the funny thing.
When it comes to a wedding photograph – the spouse and the family members make sure each and every image & picture of theirs is perfectly shot, edited, photoshopped and uploaded. But where it comes down to their professional image
Your photograph on your Resume, Linkedin, Facebook & any other social media platform should be carefully crafted, created & engineered by a professional. In fact, every image, photograph and picture should be carefully selected to ensure it is the best of what represents you. In fact, every update on your Social Media platform should be in-sync with your Personal Brand Essence

Personal Branding Checklist: Number 5
Your Written Rules of Introduction, Value Systems, Vision, Mission & Identity
Every organization has a set of written down vision, mission & goal statements. Though 99% of the employees do not know what they are or have even read them – they form the backbone of the company’s focus. That is why the companies that give thought and focus into the written communication of their company – remain for a long time. They are the Zappos, the NIKE and the Google of our generation.
In the same way, you as a Personal Brand should very clearly define and have written down answers to the following questions:
– What is my Personal Brand
– Why should someone employ my services
– What makes me stand out in a crowded & competitive marketplace
– What is my brand essence?
– What is my brand tagline?
– Who belongs to my target market?
In my personal life, these set of written statements have proved useful when saying yes or no to an opportunity, a customer or a strategic move. And believe me – it has helped me more than I would ever know.

Personal Branding Checklist: Number 6
Put your money where your mouth is
Someone who has a vehicle is very well aware of how much money he needs to spend or save per service contract. A parent of a kid is very careful to save the monthly school fees of the child so as to ensure the child doesn’t miss his classes. And for people who live in an apartment are very particular not to miss the monthly payment of their internet, phone, electricity & water bill, just so that they do not end up with a fine or disconnection.
Where people save money for something as innocuous yet important expenses like school fees, water/electricity bill, Internet bill or phone bill – how much should you keep aside for your own brand?
If you do not have a budget, that clearly means, you are not serious about your Personal Brand and your future.
Because those who are serious about the future, save money for what is important to them. Those who are not serious, well have a laid-back attitude towards life. And that is why they never grow.

Personal Branding Checklist: Number 7
Who is in your Mastermind Group?
When you are a marathon runner, you team up with other Marathon runners during practice sessions. When you are a bodybuilder, you train with other bodybuilders. When you are a boxer, you team up & train with other boxers to develop your skill.
So where Personal Branding is concerned – why isn’t the same level of seriousness necessary? I am the member of many groups, with each group focusing on what they are good at. For example, where my online gaming is concerned, I am in a facebook group where all gamers who play the same game come together. Where online content for Social Media is concerned, I am in a group with other users of Social Media in a Whatsapp group. What these groups do is share content, tips, tricks & strategies with one another. And whats more, anytime there is a doubt or question, everyone is there to help one another.
So where your personal brand is concerned – which Personal Branding Mastermind Group are you a part of?

Personal Branding Checklist: Number 9
The How, What, When, Where & Whom
- Do you know which social media platform you are supposed to visible on?
- Do you what you are supposed to do there?
- Are you aware how you can stand out to be noticed by the decisions makers which are important to you?
- Do you know what time you are supposed to post what content?
- Do you know the WHY you should post what you post? (from their perspective – not yours)
Once you understand the answers to these questions – you will be well on your way to a Proper & Professional Personal Brand.
Personal Branding Checklist:
So do you have one?
Hope you understand now.
Loy Machedo