From the Desk of Loy Machedo: Morning Routine – Thoughts by Loy Machedo (16th August 2017)
I keep getting asked about my Morning Routine by fans, friends, and followers. So here is an article and video that shares my so called morning routine with you. Let me know what you think and yes, if you have questions, please do feel free to drop in an email to
#thinkpersonalbranding #personalbranding #loymachedo
Loy Machedo
The World’s #1 Personal Branding Strategist
From the Desk of Loy Machedo: Morning Routine – Thoughts by Loy Machedo (16th August 2017)
I have never had a father figure to guide me. Forget that, I didn’t have a father itself. Just a man who called himself ‘father’ but behaved like a fucking asshole. That was my the role taken by Frederick Peter Paul Pinto in my life. A total fucking loser from Mangalore, India who married another fucking asshole – my bitch of a mother. Both these fucking idiots knew only one thing – Focus on making money.
Now inasmuch as Helen Pinto (my mother) didn’t mean any harm or wanted to hurt me – she focused on getting her finances in place and made sure that her security blanket Frederick Peter Paul Pinto – her 2nd husband was kept happy – so that she could enjoy having another bread earner in her life. And this sonofabitch made sure he got his way around – primarily because he loved Helen Pinto to bits. And most importantly because he hated the fact that she had once married my Father – Daniel Machedo (another fucking asshole and womanizer) and I was what was left of that legacy.
Morning Routine – Thoughts by Loy Machedo (16th August 2017) (Contd….)
So he made sure that every possible moment, he could beat the bejesus out of my life – to feel good about himself. And to know that this sinful reminder of his former love competitor – was given the full arm of his justice. And because of this – not a day would go by where this motherfucker wouldn’t beat me inhumanly. Trust me when I say this – the beatings he would give me – a then 7 year old boy – you wouldn’t even hit a vicious animal. It was that violent. And he would beat me until he would be exhausted. Which would last around 90 to 95 minutes.
How would I know this that it was 90 to 95 minutes? Because as I would wither in pain, scream and sob in agony at every whip that he executed with his weapon of choice – the Rubber Cane – I would painfully stare and look at the clock hoping the beatings would get over soon – while peeing in my trousers, screaming, shouting and wriggling violently on the ground as this bastard would continue his torture in the scream silencing 4-walls of the torture chamber he called home – in Sharjah, UAE.
Morning Routine – Thoughts by Loy Machedo (16th August 2017) (Contd….)
So given this void of not having any man to guide me – I looked for inspiration, guidance and maybe just someone to talk to – anyone for that matter. I yearned for someone to talk to me and listen to me. Sadly – there was no one. So I talked to myself in the imaginary world of Superheroes and Cartoons.
However, today as I am a fully grown man at the age of 40, and as I look back at those moments, I just smile as I think and reflect on the moments gone by. Yes, I went through torture, inhuman treatment, pain and agony. But through those moments of hopelessness, I have become a better man. And for you motherfuckers who want to tell me “It is the blessing of God that this happened” – My response to you is fuck you, fuck your god, fuck your beliefs and fuck your concepts. If this is how your god operates – that he allows children to get tortured, tormented, molested and raped so that they can become better human beings – then he is one sick motherfucker. And in case you feel bad – my question to you is – would you allow your child to get tortured, tormented, molested and raped – so that your child can become a better human being? If your answer is “Fucking hell no” – then my response to you is the same. Stop giving me illogical bullshit that ‘Some hypothetical god had some super plan for me’. That is just fucking bullshit.
Morning Routine – Thoughts by Loy Machedo (16th August 2017) (Contd….)
I am my own man. I made my own choices. I created my own present that you can see now. And I will create my own destiny.
So for those of you who can go beyond the fucking bullshit of man-made superstition and who want to take charge of your life, here are some ways, means and methods through which I created a powerful change in my life – A Morning Routine.
See how it helps you as it has helped me in my quest to become a better human being who lives a life of his dreams, does what he loves to do and gets paid more money per hour enabling him to enjoy a lifestyle with choices and yes – freedom from the corporate monotonous drudgery.
Morning Routine – Thoughts by Loy Machedo (16th August 2017) (Contd….)
Morning Routine – Thoughts by Loy Machedo (16th August 2017) (Contd….)
- Wake up in the morning courtesy wifey.
Tip: I look at the iPhone for a shocking video so that light enters my eyes, my ears get stimulated and my brain wakes up, while my wifey massages/scratch my back - I go to the toilet and sit down while listening to an educational program for 10 minutes or more.
- Then I go have an ice-cold shower while I continue listening/watching an educational program.
Tip: I make sure that I take care of my body and I also do some amount of stretching and ‘exercise’ while scrubbing my body.
Tip: I use a strong creamy body wash and I also clean my mouth with the best toothpaste/mouth wash - Finish Shower, have my wife powder me playfully – so it’s more like a romantic morning ritual where I get to get my wifey also to love me and feel loved.
- We then go and practice 10 minutes of breathing courtesy the Win-Hof breathing method (link provided below)
- In between, I just allow myself one set of pushups to failure (squats or ab crunches). It is done without huffing and puffing myself to death.
- Then comes in 15 to 20 minutes of Meditation. You can do it seated or lying down. I allow relaxing music at the background. You can download a free app from Headspace/Calm/Relax Melodies. They are for free
- Following that, I give my wifey a 5-minute cuddle/hug and let her know how much I love her.
- Then comes writing down in my diary 20 times my affirmation (which is “I’m the highest paid blogger in the world” and “I’m the highest paid Personal Branding Strategist in the World.”)
- Then comes my black espresso + morning breakfast (which is a sandwich with peanut butter & cheese or you can opt for 3 soft boiled eggs)
- I spend the 1st 4 hours of my morning with my most creative & important tasks which currently is:
1 Youtube Video
1 New Article
1 Educational Program (30 minutes)
1 Internet Marketing Course (30 minutes) - Following this – I take a 1 hour break which can be anything from lunch to taking a walk to spending time with wifey
- And then the day repeats itself in the same format – total of 3 slots of 4 hour each.
- 1st slot for 3 hours is the most important + creative tasks
2nd part of the day is B-Level Tasks
3rd part of my day is to complete C-Level tasks like answering emails, servicing clients and doing the rest.
4th part of the day is to plan out the next day
So this is how my day/routine is normally like. With the only exception that once a week, I stop doing all work to spend the whole day with my wife and spend time with her. This allows me to switch off my brains and rest.
Any questions – let me know.
Loy Machedo